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everything related to my master thesis: A neuronal model for visually evoked escape responses in schooling fish
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Infer whether a spike train is generated from a bistable homoclinic or a monostable saddle-node neuron
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In this tutorial we will use auto to find the exact input current we need to inject to a neuron model to make it fire.
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Jupyter notebook for an introductory math lecture on Riemann sums.
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This repository contains the code for generating Figure 3 and S4 of the article: KCC2 reverse mode helps to clear postsynaptically released potassium at glutamatergic synapses
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Code to reproduce figures of the manuscript "Activity-mediated accumulation of potassium induces a switch in firing pattern and neuronal excitability type" by Contreras, Schleimer, Gulledge, Schreiber
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