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Mathurin Dorel / MRA_project
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyR package for MRA supported by C++ functions
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AUTO sympy interface
Generate AUTO continuation files automatically from sympy expressions
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Some additionally useful functions on top of the brian2 project.
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Wiki for the minutes of our meetings on causation in complex networks
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cooperativity / brutelib
MIT LicenseBrute force simulation of a special stochastic hybrid system.
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cooperativity / dynamic_clamp_model
MIT LicenseSource files for the model of cooperative channels used in a dynamic clamp project.
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Andrej Warkentin / master-thesis
MIT Licenseeverything related to my master thesis: A neuronal model for visually evoked escape responses in schooling fish
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Infer whether a spike train is generated from a bistable homoclinic or a monostable saddle-node neuron
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Zeba Sultana / MRA_project
GNU General Public License v3.0 onlyR package for MRA supported by C++ functions
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In this tutorial we will use auto to find the exact input current we need to inject to a neuron model to make it fire.